I saw this survey on another blog and thought it was fun!
About the TREE....
1.When do you put up the Christmas tree?
This year it was after Thanksgiving but usually before.
2. Real or fake?
I think fake for now,real is so much work
3. Lights? What color?
4. Garland?
5. Theme or no theme?
It started victorian but now it's just a mish mosh of kids ornaments etc which I love!
6. What kind of topper?
An angel that my husband gave me the Xmas after our 1st child was born
7. What's your favorite ornament?
A big pink victorian ball,another husband gift when we were going thru a very hard time
8. What does your tree skirt look like?
I have a few but this year it's burgundy/green
9. Where do you put your tree?
this year it's in the family room
10. Who decorates the tree? .
11.What's "under" the tree?
nothing yet
12. Do you put candy canes on your tree?
About the FOODS....
1. What's your favorite Christmas cookie?
I think just a plain old suger cookie
2. Do you bake cookies and give them away?
I have in the past and might this year
3. Any "special" foods or candy that you only have at Christmas time?
4. What do you eat Christmas EVE?
We have the traditional dinner with turkey stuffing etc
5. What do you eat on Christmas day?
usually leftovers from the night before unless I'm doing dinner for the inlaws then it's more
6. Do you like Eggnog??
7. Do you like candy canes?
not so much but the kids do
1. Where do you hang your stockings?
2. Do you put lights on your house?
3. Got any outside lawn decorations?
not this year
4. Do you put up a nativity (crèche)?
I have 2 in the house
5. Do you hang mistletoe over the door?
6. Got a wreath on your front door?
7. How long does it take you to decorate?
I usually start after Halloween .p
About the movies/show
1 . Favorite Children's Xmas TV show/cartoon?
I love them all but Rudolph and Charlie Brown are the ones that bring back so many memories of my childhood
2. Wonderful Life/Miracle on 34th St/A ChristmasCarol (Scrooge)
A Christma sCarol
Favorite Christmas movie??
The Christmas Box
4. Have you ever seen the Nutcracker Suite Ballet live?
No,but always wanted to
5. Ever been to the Radio City Music Hall Christmasshow?? No.
6. Ever gone to the movies on Xmas Day? No
Other Christmas things....
1. Favorite Christmas book or story?
The night before Christmas,we read it every year
2. Do you stuff your stockings with any types of food?
3. Do you go to church on Christmas or Christmas Eve?
4. Have you ever gone Caroling?
5. Favorite Christmas Carol? "
O Holy Night
6. Do you believe in Santa? Yes
7. Do you leave Santa cookies?
Yes,and carrots for the reindeer
8. What about Rudolph...
a few years ago we started putting "Magic Reindeer food" out on the lawn before we go to bed
9. What was your best Christmas gift
I've had many
10. What was the worst/most odd gift?
ummm,no comment
11. Do you go to a "work" Christmas party?
12. Do you hate going?
13. Do you send Christmas cards?
14. Do you make a "list"?
15. Do you check it twice? & thrice & etc...
16.When do you start shopping?
It depends,I used to start early but it's gotten later and later
17.Do you shop on Black Friday?
I don't enjoy it but this year I did
I love Christmas but this year I'm not very motivated.
I'm looking forward to the kids enjoying it tho,they are super excited